G-Factor is a reactive environment whose aim is to support new entrepreneurs and researchers with high entrepreneurial potential to become companies able to successfully establish themselves in the market, creating replicable and scalable models. Five years after its establishment, G-Factor has consolidated its position as an accelerator for startups in the life sciences sector, while opening up to other vertical sectors.

We invest in innovative startups and teams by providing capital and expertise because we believe that the mix of finance and training is crucial to entrepreneurial success.


I-Tech Innovation Program 2023-2024

Dalla partnership tra G-Factor e CRIF, con il supporto tecnico di Emil Banca e BI-Rex Competence Center, nasce I-Tech innovation RER, nuovo programma di accelerazione rivolto a 8 startup e realizzato grazie ai Fondi Europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna nel programma regionale FESR 2021/2027.

Obiettivo del programma di accelerazione è guidare le startup selezionate nello sviluppo dei loro progetti imprenditoriali, attivare un network di potenziali partner industriali e investitori, e creare possibili percorsi di scaling a livello internazionale. Consultando il bando è possibile scoprire tutto sul programma di accelerazione, i servizi e le facilities offerte. Le attività si svolgeranno online e in presenza a Bologna da gennaio 2025 a maggio 2025. Candidature aperte fino al 15 ottobre 2024.

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A chi si rivolge

Startup costituite o che abbiano la volontà di costituirsi entro il 2024, newco, spin off e startup innovative e/o team di laureati che hanno sede legale o operativa in Emilia Romagna o la volontà di aprire o spostare la sede legale o operativa in Emilia Romagna entro l’inizio del programma di accelerazione.

Ambiti di interesse

I settori individuati nella Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) sono stati raggruppati in quattro verticali e per ciascuna è stato individuato un partner tecnico specifico.

Life Science

L’area Life Science comprende salute, benessere individuale, nutrizione e stili di vita.

powered by

Circular Economy

L’area Circular Economy prevede design circolare ed eco-sostenibile, produzione sostenibile, digitalizzazione, intelligenza artificiale, big data.

powered by

Industry 4.0

L’area Industry 4.0 include innovazione dei materiali, digitalizzazione, intelligenza artificiale, big data, manifattura 4.0 e future evoluzioni, connettività di sistemi a terra e nello spazio.

in partnership with

Social Impact

L’area Social Impact prevede innovazione sociale e partecipazione, inclusione e coesione sociale, educazione, lavoro e sviluppo dei territori.

powered by

Come candidarsi

È possibile candidarsi al programma fino al 15 ottobre 2024 compilando questo form. Per informazioni scrivere a oppure potete partecipare a un webinar di presentazione. I-Tech innovation RER è realizzato grazie ai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna, nell’ambito del programma regionale FESR 2021/2027.


G-Factor's acceleration program renews its formula in a tailored way, aimed to the I-Tech Innovation Program 2023-2024 startups. Its teams will have access to an innovative acceleration program for young talents that will allow them to grow both in an entrepreneurial and scientific way. G-Force consists of 4 months: the first 2 months are based on intensive activities, which at least two residential weeks are part of. The selected teams will learn how to engage potential industrial partners. This first phase will be followed by 2 months of remote follow-up mentoring activities dedicated to execution. The startups, thanks to tailored meetings and specific training, will learn how to introduce themselves to potential investors and take the following steps for growth and development. The residential activities will take place at BOOM, the new innovation center promoted by CRIF, and in the G-Factor incubator-accelerator at Opificio Golinelli.


  • Access to a network of highly qualified mentors and partners
  • Access to a network of investors
  • Legal and patent support
  • Regulatory advice
  • Media Coverage & Communications


Upcoming G-Factor Events

Tuesday 08 Oct 2024 ore 17:00
Dalla partnership tra G-Factor e CRIF, con il supporto tecnico di Emil Banca e BI-Rex Competence Center, nasce I-Tech Innovation RER, nuovo programma di accelerazione rivolto a 8 startup e realizzato grazie ai Fondi Europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna nel programma regionale FESR 2021/2027. Partecipa al webinar di presentazione per scoprire tutto sull'iniziativa

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Thursday 10 Oct 2024 ore 16:00
È in arrivo un nuovo appuntamento dedicato a chi si occupa di ricerca e ha interesse a intraprendere un percorso imprenditoriale nel settore delle scienze della vita. Giovedì 10 ottobre alle 16 si terrà infatti la seconda tappa di “DARE Roadshow: Ricerca e imprenditorialità verso un futuro di prevenzione digitale”.
Università di Palermo image

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We collaborate with dozens of entrepreneurs, teachers and managers with different specializations and professional backgrounds to cover all the needs of accelerated startups: from product development to business storytelling, from IP to negotiation, from hard skills to soft skills.

Our industrial partners are important international players in the world of life sciences operating in different business areas: from pharmaceutical to medical devices, from biotech to data science. Together with our industrial partners we help startups to create sustainable and scalable businesses.

Our network is enriched by the presence of research centers, startups, companies and universities that make innovation their daily mission.

We work together with some of the main Italian institutions to accompany our startups on their growth path.


124 applications have been received for the first call of G-Factor, Life Sciences Innovation : 30 of these have reached the final stage and 10 have been selected to participate in the acceleration process which has end in December 2019 with the awaited Investor Day. Each Startup has received an investment of €100,000 €


BCI deals with the biocompatibility of cardiac valve substitutes manufactured with animal tissues, improving their performance and doubling their durability.


Adam's Hand is a myoelectric hand prosthesis. A single motor allows you to move all your fingers, automatically adapting them to the shape and size of the objects being handled


Complexdata has developed a platform that uses artificial intelligence to estimate the risk of metastasis in cancer patients.


Diamante specializes in the production of nanoparticles for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases through the exploitation of plants as compounds with high added value.


eVAI is cloud platform developed by enGenome to support geneticists in the diagnosis of hereditary diseases from NGS data.


Genoa Instruments, will produce high-tech scientific instruments in the field of super-resolution optical microscopy.


Holey has created a solution capable of producing custom-made 3D printable orthopedic braces, which can replace both traditional plaster and commercial braces.


MgShell developed a solution to treat maculopathy capable of timing the drug release, therefore reducing the therapeutic load from several injections to a single injection.


P4P produces innovative polymeric biomaterials processed with additive manufacturing techniques to obtain advanced systems for the personalized administration of drugs.


RELIEF has created a minimally invasive endourethral device that can be inserted into the urethra of patients with severe incontinence and can be activated with a small magnet.

137 applications have been received for the second call of G-Factor, Life Sciences Innovation 2020: 24 of these have reached the final stage and 5 have been selected to participate in the acceleration process which will end in December 2020 with the awaited Investor Day. Each Startup will receive an investment of €125,000 of which € 90,000 of liquidity and € 35,000 in kinds.


Thanks to a patented biotechnology, Bacfarm produces deinoxanthin, the most powerful antioxidant among carotenoids and UV shield.


Innovative and unique CTC single cell blood analysis, disposable microfluidic analysis device, single cell analysis, image sorting and archiving.


An innovative biosensor for prostate cancer to reduce the number of unnecessary tests, costs, waiting times and inconvenience for the patient.


Micro-ReSkin is a PerFormS product developed to meet the needs of patients with acute, or chronic skin inflammations such as psoriasis.


RECORNEA has developed a revolutionary solution. With a single device and in a single step it managed to improve her eyesight and stop the progression of the keratoconus.

209 applications received for the I-Tech Innovation Program call launched by Fondazione Golinelli and CRIF in three areas: Life Sciences/Digital Health (3 startups selected), Fintech/Insurtech (2 startups selected), and FoodTech/Agritech (2 startups selected). 1 million euros will be granted for the startups themselves

Lifescience/Digital health

created with the aim of experimenting a new compound called DDC#1 on humans for Acute Myeloid Leukemia and COVID-19 fighting

Lifescience/Digital health

goes to market through a device that makes the medicines’ selection process faster and more effective through the laboratory plastic creation of an environment that looks like the tissues of the human body and indeed similar to the context in which the medicine will work

Lifescience/Digital health

is based on the use of polymeric retinal prostheses for vision recovery, subsequent to a loss due to retinal degeneration induced by several diseases (i.e. retinitis pigmentosa).


EvenFi is the crowdlending platform that offers investors the opportunity to earn by investing in growth projects of startups and SMEs.


allows consumers to choose and select the innovative financial services that best comply with their needs. Its services let suppliers access a single distribution channel that guarantees them to contain acquisition costs.


is the first virtual agricultural community based on two pillars: small producers and final consumers. It is also a marketplace for direct sales of agricultural products.


is a unified data analysis platform that is fully automated and able to extract information from satellite images. By removing the technological barriers in the use of satellite data, the platform allows to transform satellite images into geospatial information by offering data the farmer needs in the simplest way to read them.

247 applications received for the I-Tech Innovation Program call launched by Fondazione Golinelli and CRIF in five areas: Life Sciences/Digital Health (3 startups selected), Fintech/Insurtech (2 startups selected), FoodTech/Agritech (1 startups selected), Industry 4.0 (2 startups selected) and Social Impact (2 startups selected). 1,5 million euros has been invested for the startups.

Lifescience/Digital health

AEQUIP, a startup and spin-off of the Politecnico di Torino, develops diagnostic support tools in the field of Digital Pathology, which integrate Artificial Intelligence with mathematical-statistical parameters in a new proprietary approach called MDI: Mathematical Driven Intelligence.

Lifescience/Digital health

Docunque is a medical practice management software that helps doctors in their daily work, improving prescriptive appropriateness and acting on citizen prevention, using artificial intelligence algorithms. Docunque innovates from the bottom up by intervening in what is often the only professional tool that doctors use every day.

Lifescience/Digital health

UCme Bioscience is developing a new anti-angiogenic antibody of its own invention for the therapy of diseases with a neovascular component, such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, for which the treatments currently used do not lead to a complete and lasting cure. Since angiogenesis is also involved in the development of cancer, important applications of the product are also expected in this field.


Agrobit develops and sells innovative services and apps for digital farming. The app iAgro allows the farmer to transform his smartphone into a decision support system to map tree crops and optimize phytosanitary treatments, in a simple and scalable way. The service of remote sensing by drones provides the farmer with a complete mapping of his fields and crops in order to optimize the use of fertilizers, agrochemicals and water.


Mopso is a regtech company that develops two software to deal with anti-money laundering regulations, Brain and Amlet. Brain is a risk assessment tool and helps banks find suspicious transactions. Amlet makes due diligence data 'portable' and reusable within an ecosystem of intermediaries, simplifying the onboarding process. Mopso can handle all the complexities within the financial world, as they use the largest and most sophisticated ontology, FIBO (Financial Industry Business Ontology), together with AML ontology.


Notarify solve several problems and risks related to the storage, sharing and signing of files. Notarify, in fact, is the first platform for the management of the entire lifecycle of documents with Blockchain validation, i.e. the so-called 'notarization', which allows to obtain a certain date and a proof of immutability of the content.

Industry 4.0

AdapTronics makes logistics more sustainable on Earth and in Space by reinventing how robots grasp objects of any shape, size and material thanks to a proprietary thin-film technology that becomes adhesive when electrically activated, with an impressive force density, irrelevant weight and minimal energy consumption.

Industry 4.0

Astreo is an innovative startup that deals with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Through Astreo products it is possible to extract data from machinery and use them, through AI algorithms, for production control, for the reduction of energy consumption and for predictive maintenance. It uses state-of-the-art technologies that allow Industry 4.0 solutions to be created in an easy and non-invasive way.

Social Impact

Heaple is developing a telemedicine platform that offers an innovative solution for cognitive therapy. Thanks to its patient app, Heaple offers personalised and ongoing digital therapy that helps maintain cognitive benefits for longer, with cost savings and reduced number of visits to the clinic. The web dashboard for the doctor, instead, allows to better plan and analyze the course of therapy, using artificial intelligence algorithms to support him in the management of the therapy cycle.

Social Impact

Justep is a medical device that aims to replace the white cane for the blind and visually impaired and to solve the problem of navigation. Justep thanks to its artificial intelligence works with a lidar sensor and a camera that detect and recognize any obstacle in front of the user, suggesting the best path to reach his/her destination.

270 applications received for the third edition of I-Tech Innovation, the program launched by Fondazione Golinelli and CRIF. 12 projects have been selected in six areas: Life Sciences/Digital Health (3 startups), Fintech/Insurtech (2 startups), FoodTech/Agritech (1 startups), Industry 4.0 (2 startups), Social Impact (2 startups) and Travel Tech (2 startup)

Lifescience/Digital health

The innovative approach of DNA-Switch is based on the use of genes normally present in the human genome for therapeutic purposes, delivered through adenoviral vectors or mRNA. DNA-Switch has already identified genes capable of counteracting the progression of Huntington's disease and has patented this technology. Currently the aim is to industrialize this expertise in order to develop a therapeutic product ready for clinical trials and the market.

Lifescience/Digital health

Impavid is developing the first bioengineered cardiac patch, designed for the controlled release of molecules to enhance the quality of life for patients who have experienced a myocardial heart attack and to prevent the onset of heart failure. This technology aims to introduce a new device on the market, resulting from years of research, in order to address this clinical need and, in the long term, reduce associated healthcare costs.

Lifescience/Digital health

PoliRNA is an innovative startup specialized in the development and commercialization of a new generation of polymer-lipid hybrid nanoparticles for nucleic acid-based therapies. Our patented PoliRNA nanoparticles are highly versatile, enabling targeted, safe, and efficient release of RNA (siRNA, miRNA) into target cells.


Billding simplifies and digitizes the entire process of managing utilities and services designed for the home environment (gas, electricity, internet, TV), mobility, and for individual well-being, from activation to usage to service termination. It also ensures annually quantified savings for the end consumer.


DootBox is a dual-interface platform that collaborates with various stakeholders to provide a subscription-based mobility service. With DootBox, customers have the opportunity to switch vehicles every month, choosing the one that best suits their personal or travel needs, or opting for no vehicle at all. DootBox combines the benefits of simplicity and convenience which are typical of a subscription, while offering an innovative solution that ensures greater flexibility.


SupplAI presents itself as a cutting-edge solution to optimize procurement processes and purchasing management in the food sector. This digital platform, enhanced by artificial intelligence, significantly simplifies the creation and management of orders, contributing to improved operational efficiency and cost reduction. By connecting suppliers, procurement teams, and supply chain managers, SupplAI ensures seamless communication and increased transparency throughout the entire process.

Industry 4.0

Meddle is an Industrial IoT platform that simplifies and automates the process of collecting and managing industrial data. This solution enables manufacturing companies and their suppliers to seamlessly integrate a wide range of data streams from both IoT sensors and other data sources, both online and offline, through a single centralized tool.

Industry 4.0

OlivAir is an agricultural drone characterized by a wingspan of 2.5 meters. Equipped with the ability to generate wind to facilitate the falling of mature olives, it operates effectively on various types of terrain, minimizing damage to plants. With an operational speed three times higher than traditional methods, OlivAir not only leads to a significant reduction in labor costs but also contributes to a considerable improvement in crop quality, ensuring greater uniformity.

Social Impact

Loqui is a service which aims to meet the needs of those seeking support from specialists such as psychologists and psychotherapists. Through our platform, users can fill out a questionnaire in order to be matched with the professional most suitable for their needs, and undergo an initial free consultation. They then have the option to decide whether they want to embark on a psychotherapy journey through a variety of mediums: video calls, chat, phone calls, and/or utilize self-care and self-help tools.

Social Impact

Baze offers families the opportunity to quickly identify, hire, and compensate the ideal domestic worker. Thanks to an artificial intelligence-based smart matching algorithm, the service generates highly personalized matches in less than twenty-four hours. Once the right person is identified, the family can easily manage the hiring process and daily work-related activities through a dedicated application, with the support of experienced employment consultants.

Travel Tech

The main goal of Yooond is to revolutionize public transportation through the adoption of a passenger counting system capable of providing real-time data and metrics. Yooond stands out in the market as a unique option, offering an extremely innovative service at a significantly lower cost compared to competitors. Additionally, it radically transforms the travel experience by introducing a logic similar to that of Telepass on public transportation, significantly improving the service's purchase and usage process.

Travel Tech

BrailleFly, through its innovative technology, is committed to reducing the costs of Braille displays for the visually impaired, offering a fully modular and flexible solution. The goal is to make these displays more accessible, not only as personal devices but also in the realm of public mobility, providing a haptic alternative for interacting with screens and automated machines.


BCI deals with the biocompatibility of cardiac valve substitutes manufactured with animal tissues, improving their performance and doubling their durability.


Adam's Hand is a myoelectric hand prosthesis. A single motor allows you to move all your fingers, automatically adapting them to the shape and size of the objects being handled


Complexdata has developed a platform that uses artificial intelligence to estimate the risk of metastasis in cancer patients.


Diamante specializes in the production of nanoparticles for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases through the exploitation of plants as compounds with high added value.


eVAI is cloud platform developed by enGenome to support geneticists in the diagnosis of hereditary diseases from NGS data.


Genoa Instruments, will produce high-tech scientific instruments in the field of super-resolution optical microscopy.


Holey has created a solution capable of producing custom-made 3D printable orthopedic braces, which can replace both traditional plaster and commercial braces.


MgShell developed a solution to treat maculopathy capable of timing the drug release, therefore reducing the therapeutic load from several injections to a single injection.


P4P produces innovative polymeric biomaterials processed with additive manufacturing techniques to obtain advanced systems for the personalized administration of drugs.


RELIEF has created a minimally invasive endourethral device that can be inserted into the urethra of patients with severe incontinence and can be activated with a small magnet.


Thanks to a patented biotechnology, Bacfarm produces deinoxanthin, the most powerful antioxidant among carotenoids and UV shield.


Innovative and unique CTC single cell blood analysis, disposable microfluidic analysis device, single cell analysis, image sorting and archiving.


An innovative biosensor for prostate cancer to reduce the number of unnecessary tests, costs, waiting times and inconvenience for the patient.


Micro-ReSkin is a PerFormS product developed to meet the needs of patients with acute, or chronic skin inflammations such as psoriasis.


RECORNEA has developed a revolutionary solution. With a single device and in a single step it managed to improve her eyesight and stop the progression of the keratoconus.


created with the aim of experimenting a new compound called DDC#1 on humans for Acute Myeloid Leukemia and COVID-19 fighting


goes to market through a device that makes the medicines’ selection process faster and more effective through the laboratory plastic creation of an environment that looks like the tissues of the human body and indeed similar to the context in which the medicine will work


is based on the use of polymeric retinal prostheses for vision recovery, subsequent to a loss due to retinal degeneration induced by several diseases (i.e. retinitis pigmentosa).


EvenFi is the crowdlending platform that offers investors the opportunity to earn by investing in growth projects of startups and SMEs.


allows consumers to choose and select the innovative financial services that best comply with their needs. Its services let suppliers access a single distribution channel that guarantees them to contain acquisition costs.


is the first virtual agricultural community based on two pillars: small producers and final consumers. It is also a marketplace for direct sales of agricultural products.


is a unified data analysis platform that is fully automated and able to extract information from satellite images. By removing the technological barriers in the use of satellite data, the platform allows to transform satellite images into geospatial information by offering data the farmer needs in the simplest way to read them.


AEQUIP, a startup and spin-off of the Politecnico di Torino, develops diagnostic support tools in the field of Digital Pathology, which integrate Artificial Intelligence with mathematical-statistical parameters in a new proprietary approach called MDI: Mathematical Driven Intelligence.


Docunque is a medical practice management software that helps doctors in their daily work, improving prescriptive appropriateness and acting on citizen prevention, using artificial intelligence algorithms. Docunque innovates from the bottom up by intervening in what is often the only professional tool that doctors use every day.


UCme Bioscience is developing a new anti-angiogenic antibody of its own invention for the therapy of diseases with a neovascular component, such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, for which the treatments currently used do not lead to a complete and lasting cure. Since angiogenesis is also involved in the development of cancer, important applications of the product are also expected in this field.


Agrobit develops and sells innovative services and apps for digital farming. The app iAgro allows the farmer to transform his smartphone into a decision support system to map tree crops and optimize phytosanitary treatments, in a simple and scalable way. The service of remote sensing by drones provides the farmer with a complete mapping of his fields and crops in order to optimize the use of fertilizers, agrochemicals and water.


Mopso is a regtech company that develops two software to deal with anti-money laundering regulations, Brain and Amlet. Brain is a risk assessment tool and helps banks find suspicious transactions. Amlet makes due diligence data 'portable' and reusable within an ecosystem of intermediaries, simplifying the onboarding process. Mopso can handle all the complexities within the financial world, as they use the largest and most sophisticated ontology, FIBO (Financial Industry Business Ontology), together with AML ontology.


Notarify solve several problems and risks related to the storage, sharing and signing of files. Notarify, in fact, is the first platform for the management of the entire lifecycle of documents with Blockchain validation, i.e. the so-called 'notarization', which allows to obtain a certain date and a proof of immutability of the content.


AdapTronics makes logistics more sustainable on Earth and in Space by reinventing how robots grasp objects of any shape, size and material thanks to a proprietary thin-film technology that becomes adhesive when electrically activated, with an impressive force density, irrelevant weight and minimal energy consumption.


Astreo is an innovative startup that deals with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Through Astreo products it is possible to extract data from machinery and use them, through AI algorithms, for production control, for the reduction of energy consumption and for predictive maintenance. It uses state-of-the-art technologies that allow Industry 4.0 solutions to be created in an easy and non-invasive way.


Heaple is developing a telemedicine platform that offers an innovative solution for cognitive therapy. Thanks to its patient app, Heaple offers personalised and ongoing digital therapy that helps maintain cognitive benefits for longer, with cost savings and reduced number of visits to the clinic. The web dashboard for the doctor, instead, allows to better plan and analyze the course of therapy, using artificial intelligence algorithms to support him in the management of the therapy cycle.


Justep is a medical device that aims to replace the white cane for the blind and visually impaired and to solve the problem of navigation. Justep thanks to its artificial intelligence works with a lidar sensor and a camera that detect and recognize any obstacle in front of the user, suggesting the best path to reach his/her destination.


The innovative approach of DNA-Switch is based on the use of genes normally present in the human genome for therapeutic purposes, delivered through adenoviral vectors or mRNA. DNA-Switch has already identified genes capable of counteracting the progression of Huntington's disease and has patented this technology. Currently the aim is to industrialize this expertise in order to develop a therapeutic product ready for clinical trials and the market.


Impavid is developing the first bioengineered cardiac patch, designed for the controlled release of molecules to enhance the quality of life for patients who have experienced a myocardial heart attack and to prevent the onset of heart failure. This technology aims to introduce a new device on the market, resulting from years of research, in order to address this clinical need and, in the long term, reduce associated healthcare costs.


PoliRNA is an innovative startup specialized in the development and commercialization of a new generation of polymer-lipid hybrid nanoparticles for nucleic acid-based therapies. Our patented PoliRNA nanoparticles are highly versatile, enabling targeted, safe, and efficient release of RNA (siRNA, miRNA) into target cells.


Billding simplifies and digitizes the entire process of managing utilities and services designed for the home environment (gas, electricity, internet, TV), mobility, and for individual well-being, from activation to usage to service termination. It also ensures annually quantified savings for the end consumer.


DootBox is a dual-interface platform that collaborates with various stakeholders to provide a subscription-based mobility service. With DootBox, customers have the opportunity to switch vehicles every month, choosing the one that best suits their personal or travel needs, or opting for no vehicle at all. DootBox combines the benefits of simplicity and convenience which are typical of a subscription, while offering an innovative solution that ensures greater flexibility.


SupplAI presents itself as a cutting-edge solution to optimize procurement processes and purchasing management in the food sector. This digital platform, enhanced by artificial intelligence, significantly simplifies the creation and management of orders, contributing to improved operational efficiency and cost reduction. By connecting suppliers, procurement teams, and supply chain managers, SupplAI ensures seamless communication and increased transparency throughout the entire process.


Meddle is an Industrial IoT platform that simplifies and automates the process of collecting and managing industrial data. This solution enables manufacturing companies and their suppliers to seamlessly integrate a wide range of data streams from both IoT sensors and other data sources, both online and offline, through a single centralized tool.


OlivAir is an agricultural drone characterized by a wingspan of 2.5 meters. Equipped with the ability to generate wind to facilitate the falling of mature olives, it operates effectively on various types of terrain, minimizing damage to plants. With an operational speed three times higher than traditional methods, OlivAir not only leads to a significant reduction in labor costs but also contributes to a considerable improvement in crop quality, ensuring greater uniformity.


Loqui is a service which aims to meet the needs of those seeking support from specialists such as psychologists and psychotherapists. Through our platform, users can fill out a questionnaire in order to be matched with the professional most suitable for their needs, and undergo an initial free consultation. They then have the option to decide whether they want to embark on a psychotherapy journey through a variety of mediums: video calls, chat, phone calls, and/or utilize self-care and self-help tools.


Baze offers families the opportunity to quickly identify, hire, and compensate the ideal domestic worker. Thanks to an artificial intelligence-based smart matching algorithm, the service generates highly personalized matches in less than twenty-four hours. Once the right person is identified, the family can easily manage the hiring process and daily work-related activities through a dedicated application, with the support of experienced employment consultants.


The main goal of Yooond is to revolutionize public transportation through the adoption of a passenger counting system capable of providing real-time data and metrics. Yooond stands out in the market as a unique option, offering an extremely innovative service at a significantly lower cost compared to competitors. Additionally, it radically transforms the travel experience by introducing a logic similar to that of Telepass on public transportation, significantly improving the service's purchase and usage process.


BrailleFly, through its innovative technology, is committed to reducing the costs of Braille displays for the visually impaired, offering a fully modular and flexible solution. The goal is to make these displays more accessible, not only as personal devices but also in the realm of public mobility, providing a haptic alternative for interacting with screens and automated machines.


Expert for You! is the new Startup Community initiative, a catalog of webinars, on several topics, in which:

Want to know more about the mentors and webinars?



"Startup Community" is the new community dedicated to startups promoted by CRIF and G-Factor. The shared goal is to give startups the opportunity to take part in one-to-one meetings with investors and in webinars with international professionals from the world of business, finance and research.

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Join Us


Antonio Danieli

Vice President, General Manager and Board Member
@ Fondazione Golinelli
CEO @ G-Factor Incubator-Accelerator

Federica Tadini

GM General manager
Benedetta D’Oria

CFO Chief Financial Officer
Vanessa Mazzei

Project leader
Christian Lussafi

Silvia Cozzi

Program manager
Giulia Mastandrea

Junior program manager
Francesco Castellana

Media manager


Antonio Falcone

Independent Mentor

Raffaella Spagnuolo

Resident Scientific Referee

Gianluca Sferrazza

Independent Scientific Referee

Ilan Misano

Independent Scientific Referee

Emanuele Panza

Independent Scientific Referee

Francesco Lescai

Independent Scientific Referee

Giulia Falcone

Independent Business Referee

Carlo Tassi

Independent Business Referee

Emanuele D’Erme

Independent Mentor

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Adress and VAT Number

Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 20
40133 Bologna
VAT number 03710391206